Our #1-ranked master's programs are designed for early-career supply chain professionals who want to return to school to receive advanced, specialized training in supply chain management.
With six learning hubs on four continents, MIT's global SCALE network unites bold thinkers from industry and academia to pool their knowledge and learn from one another. Immersed in this rich environment, our students graduate as thought leaders ready to engage in an international, highly competitive marketplace.
MIT Experience
All MIT SCALE centers teach a program of study modeled on MIT CTL's Supply Chain Management curriculum. Courses are taught in English at all centers, and students from all centers come together on the MIT campus in January for SCALE Connect, three intense weeks of workshops, seminars, industry speakers, facility tours, and team-based work.
Global Credentials
Students in the master's programs who successfully complete all program requirements receive a degree/diploma from their center's parent/sponsoring institution, plus a Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management Certificate awarded by the MIT SCALE Global Network.
Options = Flexibility
Full-time, part-time; ten-month, five-month; on-campus and blended formats. Our options make it easier to fit a master's program into your life. And the varying program costs and living expenses across our five centers help make our world-class master's program affordable for more students around the globe.
Explore our master's program options below to see what we offer by program format or location.
Two Formats
Fully Residential Master's Programs (traditional on-campus programs)
Intensive 10 month, full-time, on-campus master's degree programs offered at LCL (Luxembourg), MIT CTL (USA), and ZLC (Spain). NISCI offers a 12-month MSc, and a part-time 2.5-year MBA that incorporates the 10-month SCALE SCM curriculum. LBORO offers a 12-month full time, on-campus master’s degree programme.
Blended Master's Programs (online + on-campus residency)
A nontraditional pathway to a master's degree that allows learners to combine the fully-online MITx MicroMasters Credential in Supply Chain Management with an intense spring term of full-time study on campus (January–May). View timeline for Blended master's programs [pdf].
The Blended master's program option is offered at MIT CTL (USA) and ZLC (Spain).
Curriculum Overview
The MIT SCALE network's supply chain management master's programs emphasize analytical problem solving, leadership, and communication skills. Students must complete core and elective coursework, a master's capstone or thesis, and participate in SCALE Connect on the MIT campus during January. Students complete four major phases: Orientation (basic analytical skills), Fall Semester (fundamental theory), SCALE Connect (theory into practice), and Spring Semester (strategy and specialization).
Sample Core Courses:
Core courses vary somewhat based on faculty expertise and main research focus at the different centers, but all SCALE master's programs include courses in Analytical Methods, Logistics Systems, Database Analysis/Information Systems/System Technologies, Finance, Economics, Accounting, Technical Communication/Writing, Leading Global Teams, and more, as well as a graduate research project (capstone or thesis).
Course Details
For more information on core and elective course options, see the program content on the centers' web sites:
Certificate Requirements
See complete requirements for the MIT SCALE Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management Certificate for master's students.
Master's Degree and Format Options by Location
MIT - Zaragoza Supply Chain Management Programs (residential / blended)
Master of Engineering in Logistics & Supply Chain Management, awarded by the University of Zaragoza.
Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management Certificate, awarded by MIT Global SCALE Network.
Program Formats:
10-month residential master's | Blended master's (available to MMx Credential holders)
MIT - Luxembourg Supply Chain Management Program
Master Diploma, awarded by the University of Luxembourg
Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management Certificate, awarded by MIT Global SCALE Network.
Program Format:
10-month residential master's
MIT - Ningbo Supply Chain Management Programs
Degree/Certificate Options:
- Master of Business Administration with Supply Chain Management focus
- Master of Science in International Business (Supply Chain Management)
(Students in both programs also receive a Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management Certificate, awarded by MIT Global SCALE Network, provided they complete requirements for the certificate)
Program Format:
- (MBA) Ningbo University program: part-time 2.5-year MBA incorporating the SCALE Supply Chain Management curriculum
- (MSc) Nottingham University Business School China program: One-year residential master's
MIT Supply Chain Management Program (residential / blended)
Master of Applied Science in Supply Chain Management OR Master of Engineering in Supply Chain Management, awarded by MIT
Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management Certificate awarded by MIT Global SCALE Network
Program Formats:
10-month residential master's | Blended master's (available to MMx Credential holders)
MIT - Loughborough Supply Chain and Logistics Excellence Centre
Master of Science (MSc) in Supply Chain Management, awarded by Loughborough University.
Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management Certificate, awarded by MIT Global SCALE Network.
Program Formats:
12-month residential master's | Blended master's (available to MMx Credential holders)

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supply chain management master's programs.