🚀 Unlock the Power of AI in Supply Chain and Logistics Management!
This immersive summer program is your gateway to the cutting edge of Artificial Intelligence in supply chain and logistics management.
Designed for advanced undergraduates, recent graduates, postgraduate and graduate students, this data science course combines machine learning and deep learning with real-world applications in supply chains. Utilizing Python and industry-standard AI tools, you'll gain hands-on experience us while exploring topics like:
- Data handling and visualization
- Predictive modeling for regression and classification
- Problem solving with end-to-end pipelines
- Time series forecasting
- Neural networks and computer vision
- Deep reinforcement learning
- Transformers, generative models and Agentic AI
In a cohort of international peers with renowned MIT faculty and researchers, you will tackle real world challenges through AI data-driven solutions – THAT YOU DEVELOP!
Enrollment is limited -- click to apply.