CTL@50 Presents: 15th Annual MIT Global Supply Chain Excellence Network Student Expo

Our annual SCALE student Expo previews nearly 100 industry-sponsored research projects conducted by supply chain students at MIT CTL and the international centers in the global Supply Chain and Logistics Excellence (SCALE) network. The Expo showcases this research-in-progress on a broad range of future-forward topics and provides an exclusive glimpse at what the final findings will reveal in May.


A State-Level Capacity Utilization Analysis of the U.S. Natural Gas Transmission Pipeline System and Risk Management for a Gas-Fueled Nation

The U.S. energy portfolio is set to undergo drastic change in the coming decades. Policies to reduce emissions combined with growing demand for energy will test existing infrastructure. Large reserves of shale gas provide an attractive near-term solution to help states transition from coal-powered plants to cleaner fuel. Most commercial production growth in shale gas occurred in the early 2000’s. Yet most of the natural gas pipeline system was constructed long before the “shale gas revolution”. Almost half of all interstate transmission pipeline mileage is over 50 years old. In order to best